Sunday, April 21, 2019

April coffee hour - Tuesday, April 30th! 5ish to 7ish

We have a coffee hour every month, even if it doesn't get posted here.  And we send out an e'mail reminder to all class members who have provided their e'mail addresses.

So this month it's on April 30th - always the "last" Tuesday of the month.  And it's always at the Woolley Market in downtown Sedro-Woolley.  The Woolley Market has been evolving!  They have great food prepared in the deli and a "beer wall" in addition to beverages.  Lots of live entertainment (other than us).  It's a super addition to our downtown scene. 

The one exception to our coffee hour schedule is our class pot luck in July.  And we'll pick a date for that, independent of our regular "last Tuesday" tradition.  The pot lucks are normally at Shirley Hooper Knapp's and they have really been fun.

So tiptoe on down to the Woolley Market on April 30th and see who is there!  We'll be waiting for you!