Here are a couple of photos I took today, on the first day that there has been any sunshine and dry weather of note. I had been meaning to post photos of SWHS the way it looks today and these are two photos of the main building. The modern side faces Third Street (and the gym) and the old "Union High School" entrance faces north, on what used to be Nelson Street. Now it is a nice concrete-paver mall with lights and some outdoor seating.
In 1969 when I broke my ankle, skiing, I left my crutches at the top of these stairs and rode all the way out to the L&M Drive In with friends before I realized that I hadn't brought the crutches...luckily, we retrieved them without incident. That was 40 years ago this month. Ankle is fine, thanks for asking.
I also went to the SWHS Alumni Association meeting today where we discussed upcoming events. The Geranium Sale/Bake Sale is scheduled for May 2nd. It is a major fund-raiser for the Alumni Assn's scholarship fund. Also the all-class picnic will be Saturday, July 11th. Be sure to get that on your calendar and I'll let you know when to purchase tickets. It's a fun gathering at Riverfront Park for graduates of all years and friends. It will be catered again this year by Joy's Bakery - Janet and Mike Joy.
The monthly gathering of Class of 71 will be Tuesday, March 31st at Common Ground in Burlington. 5ish to 7ish. Come on over and visit around the big table! Maybe we'll watch Nancy knit!
More as it develops...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Coach Spud Walley passes away
Spud Walley passed away on March 4, 2009 as the result of a stroke on February 19th. He taught in the SW school district and served as a member of city council for 16 years and then Mayor for 20 (nonconsecutive) years. But we remember when he began to coach the SWHS wrestling team in 1969 and put SW on the state wrestling map.
His teams won the league title 12 times, the regional title 10 years in a row, and state championships in 1976, 1981, and 1983.
Services will be Saturday, March 14th at noon PDT at the SWHS gymnasium. The service will be webcast - check for details. His full obituary is also available at the Lemley web site.
So thanks, Spud, for your dedication to SW students. You were part of our high school experience.
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